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Welcome to the School of Commoning!

The School of Commoning is a growing worldwide community of people participating in the global and local commons. We support the developing commons movement, as well as interested organizations and individuals, with well-organized knowledge resources and educational programs on commoning and the commons.

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Commons Learning Alliance merges with School of Commoning

on Mon, 10/31/2011 - 21:35

Those of you who registered at this site as Commons Learning Alliance have probably noticed the new look-and-feel and and new name: School of Commoning. A message from CLA's co-founder, Leo Burke, explains it:

Dear Members of the Commons Learning Alliance,

Meeting James Quilligan, a Seminar on “Managing Local and Global Commons”

on Fri, 10/28/2011 - 23:49
The global economic crisis has seen the European and global economy teeter on the edge of catastrophe making the timing of our second event in a series of ‘Meetings with Remarkable Commoners’ all the more relevant. The Remarkable Commoner in question was James Quilligan, the Chairman for the Secretariat of Global Commons Trust, commons theorist, activist, policy analyst and advisor (extended bio here). He is also an advisor to the School of Commoning (SoC). George Por (SoC co-founder) began the evening by...

Walk Out Walk On: A Learning Journey into Communities Daring to Live the Future Now

on Sun, 07/24/2011 - 09:24

In their new book, Walk Out Walk On: A Learning Journey into Communities Daring to Live the Future Now, Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze invite you on a learning journey to seven communities around the world to meet people who have walked out of limiting beliefs and assumptions and walked on to create healthy and resilient communities.

Canadians in conversation about reclaiming the commons

on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 06:02

Consumerism is a threat not only to the planet and its ecosystems but to the natural functioning of human society. Reclaiming and rebuilding the commons -- that is what we share and do together -- is fundamental to fulfilling the World Social Forums' declaration that 'a better world is possible.'

Two serious games, where players address real-world challenges

on Thu, 04/28/2011 - 11:59
I’ve been working on the development of a global commons oriented game since I first watched Jane McGonigal’s TED talk. Reading her book, I started envisioning the game's core idea, challenges, and gameplay. As it frequently happens, when i become passionate and focused on a possibility, news, ideas, connections and other resources start showing up. The latest example is my serendipitous discovery that there's already a Commons game, where players address real-world challenges.

The Great Lakes Overview

on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 02:23

This is a briefing document on Great Lakes (General Facts, Environmental Challenges, Economic Impact, Water Use, Governance, Structures for Commons)

America’s North Coast: A Benefit-Cost Analysis of a Program to Protect and Restore the Great Lakes

on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 01:55

This study answers the question: what are healthy Great Lakes worth to the regional and national economies? If the nation and region invest in Great Lakes ecosystem restoration as the EPA-led task force recommends, what will be the economic return on that investment? The findings of this study conclude that restoration will provide economic benefits to both the region and the nation that substantially exceed the costs.

Restoring the Trust: Water Resources and the Public Trust Doctrine, A Manual for Advocates

on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 01:54

The public trust doctrine holds that certain natural resources belong to all and cannot be privately owned or controlled because of their inherent importance to each individual and society as a whole. A clear declaration of public ownership, the doctrine reaffirms the superiority of public rights over private rights for critical resources.


on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 01:52

The Great Lakes region, too long tagged with the misleading nickname, The Rust Belt, could show the rest of the country the way forward to the next economy. Although battered by decades of declining economic health, and particularly by the recession, the nation’s heartland still has many of the fundamental resources—top-ranked universities, companies with deep experience in global trade, and emerging centers of clean energy research to name just a few—necessary to create a better, more sustainable, economic model.
