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Welcome to the School of Commoning!

The School of Commoning is a growing worldwide community of people participating in the global and local commons. We support the developing commons movement, as well as interested organizations and individuals, with well-organized knowledge resources and educational programs on commoning and the commons.

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  • If you have any problems with registering, visit the Help page or contact our web admin.

Call for Papers, Panels, and Posters - XVI Biennial IASC Conference (Utrecht, 10-14 July 2017) - Deadline 15 October 2016

"Transitioning to A commons - based society" is  a complex challenge to involve many social actors.

Very interesting and definitely worthy to pay a visit if you are near to Oakland

A wonderfully creative, lively and emergent space in Oakland. The Omni Commons is comprised of several Bay Area collectives with a shared political vision—one that privileges a more equitable commoning of resources and meeting of human needs over private interests or corporate profit. 

news and perspectives on the commons
This past weekend I learned a lot about the art of commoning through a process known as The Art of Hosting.  It’s a methodology for eliciting the collective wisdom and self-organizing capacity of a group – which is obviously important for a successful commons. 

CommonsFest was held the last two years with great success in Heraklion, Crete.

Stir to Action: Workshop Programme

on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 22:01

The next stage for Stir to Action is to host a six-month programme of two-day training workshops — intense and involved — facilitated by some of our inspiring and innovative magazine contributors from the last few years. So from March to September 2015, we’ll be running a series of 12 workshops in beautiful Bridport, Dorset, where the magazine is based.

The National Plan of Ecuador recognizes and stresses that the global transformation towards knowledge-based societies and economies requires a new form for the creation and distribution of value in society. The National Plan's central concept is the achievement of 'Buen Vivir' (Sumak Kawsay) or 'good living'; but good living is impossible without the availability of 'good knowledge', i.e. 'Buen Conocer' ('Sumak Yachay').
